Post 46:
“Little Girl Lost”

Post 46:  “Little Girl Lost”

From 13-Year-Old Anne’s Journal — January 11, 1983 – EXCELLENT “While all the girls are bug hunting, Carrie falls down a hole. Everyone from town comes to help her get out. This one man who used to be a drunk supervises. Caroline is going crazy. Finally they find a mine and get her out. Mr. Hanson and the drunk are friends.” ____________________________________________________ From Tracy — Here’s an episode that will have you pondering the following issues: “Where in the hell did they ever find bellows that big?” (Who the hell knows? Maybe Mr. Hanson?) “I think engineering is sexy!” (It is, dear reader it IS!) “Is Miss Beadle trying to kill her students?” (Well duh.) “Can Carrie be any...

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